Saturday, November 04, 2006

"The meeting of two personalities is like
the contact of two chemical substances:

if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
Carl Jung.

We encounter many people in our individual daily lives. The majority of the time, we breeze in and out of eachother's spheres without a breath of transformation. Then, one day someone taps you on the back, when you're least expecting it.......often you don't even know why. Sometimes it happens in the most bizarre location ........ like through the blogworld..... like when you're in a waiting room...... like on a bus, in your office, at the school, stuck somewhere because of glitch................ tap, tap................ and you feel like you've known this new person your whole life.

A glimpse of God's grace? Possibly.

Rare as a sparkling gem, the sheen from the connection catches the eye of your soul. When was the last time you felt a transforming tap, tap?


Michael K. Althouse said...

It's an interesting concept... God's grace via the blog-o-sphere. And why not? Wouldn't an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent being make use of any medium available (indeed, perhaps even create new ones) to get through to us?

I can absolutely feel those connections though cyber-space. I don't need a voice or an image or even a touch - the chemistry is there regardless. Why not?

Arlen said...

I believe that I KNOW many people I meet through their blog. I mean, I don't necessarily know them, the details of their life, but sometimes common threads that run through our lives allows me to know them instinctively.

My profession is that of a recruiter. I have been doing this for almost 30 years. Even though at times I'm wrong, I have met so many people that my instincts rarely let me down these days. I KNOW people.

There is a paradox here, kind of like three people in one or the Godhead. Bult like mr. althouse so elegantly exclaimed "the chemistry is there regardless."

Does this make sense to you?

Best to you,

PS. How'd the interview go?

Rainbow dreams said...

Its fantastic when it does, and lately it's happened more than once in short succession - leaving a kind of excited wondering why, and what lies ahead, feeling. In some way its almost like seeing the future take shape before we know whats in store.

The internet, and blogworld just open up possibilities that didn't exist for new connections - quite possibly the only reason I keep my little space going

Canadian Sentinel said...

Hmm... fascinating and thought provoking, indeed. Yes, it happens here in the blogosphere, too. All the time. Oh, yes, I know.

BTW, what's happened to your blog? Sidebar's gone, and there's just two posts visible. Working on your template html, perhaps?

Canadian Sentinel said...

Oh, never mind... the blog is fine again. Weird, though, that it didn't load completely the first time.

awareness said...

Mike.... I have found that as well. Written words with the underlying feeling are much more powerful than we realize.

Hi interview isn't until Nov. the afternoon. So, it looks like I will be the last item on the week's agenda before happy hour. I'll have to dazzle them to keep the focus..... :)
Like you, I have been in the "people" business for many years and can rely on my instincts.

Hi Katie. Glad you keep your site up and running...... I have found that this has happened to me often lately too.

CS.....My blog was acting up a bit. Don't have a clue why, but it does that from time to time.......maybe the Big Kahuna's just checking up on us?? heehee.

I posted this last night after reading a short interview with Daniel Goleman....of Emotional Intelligence fame. He has a new book hitting the shelves.....Social Intelligence which sounds very interesting.......I will write about it later on when I get my hands on it. One of the key messages he is instigating is that our social interactions have a chemical impact on our bodies......that our chemical make up can be altered based on the type of social interactions we have with others.....both positive and negative. He also espouses that social interaction is face to face......... I look forward to what he has to say because right now, I'm not agreeing with the face to face bit...........the other stuff??? Well, like I felt when I first read his EQ thesis.......I shook my head and thought........OMG, he's gonna make a fortune on this thought. How common sensical and interesting.

Thanks for your comments........ keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

So glad you posted on this topic. I also feel a connection with many of people I've met through blogging...look there's two of them right there! Mike and Arlen.

To answer your questions about when I last felt the transforming "tap tap" was three months ago, 8/1/06 to be exact.

awareness said...

ooooo Layla......that must have been quite a transformative tap given you remember the exact date. That doesn't happen very often...... :)

Paris.... One of the thoughts that crossed my mind while writing this piece was your post on the dinner you had with another blogger who was swinging through Paris on her way back to Africa. I was so intrigued by the fact that you both took the opportunity to meet.

Connections are the spice and foundation of our lives. I'm very happy to include the blogosphere as a new venue to do so......