Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Music to Soothe.

The weather these past couple of days has been windy, wet and whiney.....good for the bulbs in the ground and the buds in the trees, but not good for maintaining one's spirits. Though I love a rainy day when I can putt around my home or crawl under an old quilt that has read a lot of stories with me, blustery April weather is a pain in the neck when you have to venture outside to go to work, run errands and basically get around town. It also has a clear effect on the moods of co-workers. Bring out the sun, and people brighten up. Go through 4 days of rainy unpredictable weather, the swear word level seems to increase.

This morning was my turn to be taxi driver.........dropping off family members at various locales. I had had enough of listening to the local news drivel, so decided to put on a CD of Gordon Lightfoot's old standards..........Gord's Gold. (Can it be that it was originally released over 30 years ago?) Ribbon of Darkness over me...........Song for a Winter's Night.........Canadian Railroad Trilogy...............songs that are like warm waves of memories. By the time I had dropped of the last passenger, I was enraptured by the words and melody of Early Morning Rain. True, it's a sad lament, but for some reason it makes me feel grounded.

Gordon Lightfoot's music is like comfort food to me. It clears my head, and reconnects me to my past when I was young sitting in the back of my parent's car on the way to some event. I remember one winter when I was about 10 years old, "If you Could Read My Mind" was a big hit that seemed to be on the radio everytime my Dad and I were heading to the ski slopes in the the early morning. And after a day skiing together, we'd get in the car feeling spent and chilled but know that feeling of happy physical exhaustion? More often than not, a Lightfoot song would start playing on the radio as we travelled home in the dark content and tired.
So, today in order to keep out the rainy meanies, I plan to play various pieces of favourites and get lost in the melodies..................a day of soothing comfort food music is on the menu.

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