Friday, April 07, 2006

A Just Society? No, A Justin Society

Things in the Liberal camp are heating up, and the bandwagon is filling up with leader wannabes. With both Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff dropping their gauntlets today..........what more excitement does a little ol' Canuck need?

What? Is it true? Is Justin Trudeau being courted to take over image enhancing? Party renewal led by a young and dashing Trudeau?

"Trudeau, 34, is to head a "youth task force" as part of a renewal project examining how the party can rebuild after its January election defeat, CanWest News Service reported Friday.

Tom Axworthy, a professor at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont., who served as a top aide to Pierre Trudeau, has been assigned by the Liberals to come up with a blueprint for party renewal. It will include several task forces to address 30 issues, from ethics and religion in politics to environment, immigration and foreign policy.

The youth task force is among issues under the theme of "a just society," a Trudeau phrase that inspired a generation of Liberals."

Oh My God! Doesn't look at all like this party is heading down the path to paying back some of the milllions stolen from Canadian taxpayers.............Oh, no! They are going for the Joan River's facelift...........a nip and tuck image enhancing.

Me? I'd prefer the wry wrinkles around the eyes and for the Liberals to cough up the dough.

You know, up until recently, the news seemed same old, same old..........but for some reason, things seem to be peaking my interest these past couple of days. Though this one was very predictable..................yes get prepared for a Justin lovefest in the makes for interesting sofa sitting observations and loud ranting while reading the paper. It's good for the system to get riled up every now and then, don't you think? This will stoke my fire.

1 comment:

Canadian Sentinel said...

Hello, Awareness. Just popped in for a visit on the recommendation of Anselm.

Sigh... Justin... just what Canadians need... another girly man skipping and spinning around like a ballerina, escorting terrorists all over the place...

Good Heavens, no, no more Trudeauism, please! That's a path we know to avoid.

We have an excellent leader in Stephen Harper. Let's give him as long as he needs to accomplish the right things for the country.

I have faith in Mr. Harper.

Who wants a sissy socialist terrorist lover as PM?