Thursday, March 16, 2006

Nuturing a Veruca Salt.

Wanna grow your own Veruca Salt? She's the spoiled brat in Raold Dahl's Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory whose father purchased dozens and dozens of chocolate bars to find the golden ticket because she wanted to go on a tour of the Chocolate Factory. To appease his daughter, Veruca's dad gave her everything and anything she wanted.

Veruca represents the best of spoiled greed that is nutured by greedy spineless caregivers. You know one when you see one. You know one if you listen to their whiney wants and complaints of not having the latest of everything. And as I write this, 2 little Veruca Salts are learning their potential tyrannical behaviour in Quebec, because they happen to be the daughters of parents who are fighting over a discarded winning Tim's coffee cup.

Greed is like a spring pothole in the road that can never be temporary filled with gravel. It continues to grow and annoy anyone who happens to go by it. It is ugly, incessant and omnipresent. Greed is the underpinning of the 6 other deadly sins. It is a festering state of mind that seems to be growing exponentially in our society.

So, two little girls find an empty "Roll up the Rim" cup. They roll it up and bingo, they are the winners of a brand new car. Quickly they head home to greedy land only to find out that their parents are not willing to share the winnings.

It's it's mine...............mine, mine, mine..........................I'll sue!!!

How appalling and pathetic.

Albert Einstein said, "there are three great forces in life -- stupidity, fear and greed." I truly believe that if one is preoccupied with gathering material possessions to a point where it becomes an anesthetic to deaden an empty spiritual life, you tend to live myopically and selfishly. Our society is swamped with materialism, and it is growing out of control. There is a belief, fed by a dysfunctional sense of entitlement, that we deserve our "fair share."

We live in a country where poverty exists, where people go without the basic necessities. We also live in a country that is rich with material goods and opportunities that the majority of other countries can't even fathom. Instead of being thankful and being open to sharing the wealth, even with our neighbours in our communities, we have stories on the front pages of our newspapers about two families fighting over a friggin' car. It blows me away.

And now...................the guy who drank the coffee and who threw away his cup (bonus points to him for not littering) without rolling up his rim............well guess what? He's hired a lawyer.

Tim Horton's should sell the car and donate it the money to a food bank...........and "flip the bird" at these families. Somebody's gotta teach those little girls a proper lesson.

"But now, my dears, we think you might
Be wondering - is it really right
That every single bit of blame
And all the scolding and the shame
Should fall upon Veruca Salt?
Is she the only one at fault?
For though she's spoiled, and dreadfully so,
A girl can't spoil herself, you know."

Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory

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