Monday, March 27, 2006

Lord's Pre-Budget Announcements

Minority governments can be a boon to the taxpaying voter, especially just before a Budget is about to be presented. It also provides the government "spinners" with a lot more goodies to offer from their buffet table.........."good news" stories topped with whipped cream, rather than trying to coax the voting public to try some more wilted brussel sprouts that have been languishing in cogulated butter sauce. The media? More to fill their front pages, top their news stories. Pundits? More to analyze, praise and complain about.

So goes the political world of Bernard Lord's government. Less than 24 hours away from his latest budget, Bernard Lord has become this visible energy bunny hopping around the province AND into the US of A, announcing, pronouncing, and praising...........shaking hands with the PM, hobnobbing with the new Ambassador, welcoming dignitaries, making speeches and setting his wobbly, shaky minority government up for a Budget that is so chock full of chocolate truffles that the Liberal opposition would be perceived as CRAZY to vote down by the voters.

So, what have we got so far?

  • $8.5 million to go towards cleaning up the Saint John Harbour. Sounds good, but SO short on making any real difference. It's like pouring a jug of Javex in that cesspool and thinking that'll do it.
  • Promising that the Childcare programs in place will not be affected despite the fact that the Federal gov't has nixed the whole program in favour of a silly little baby bonus cheque to parents of children under the age of 6. Gee, didn't know 7 year olds could look after themselves. Gee........didn't know childcare expenses were so darn cheap. Gee..........didn't know that the childcare programs being offered in this fair province were up to snuff yet.........
  • Announcing $$$$ for a stadium in Moncton.
  • $400 million for highways............betcha he wishes he didn't get rid of those darn tolls!!
  • GST rebate thing for Nb'ers to help cut the cost of energy costs. Lord also took it upon himself in his chest puffing manner to cut NB Power down a couple of notches and told them that their Executives aren't getting their work bonuses this year. That's good. That's scary. That's a good scary leader..........

Now will someone please explain to me how the price of gas in this crazy province can go from 96.9 a litre to 106.9 a litre overnight????? Did I miss a gas catastrophe somewhere?

Hold onto your hats boys and better yet............hold out your hats boys and girls cause tomorrow the legislative doors will fly open and a cart load of candy will fling out onto the front lawn. Get ready to catch the bonbons.........saveur your sweets because the taste won't last too long. Somewhere along the line, we're going to have to pay for it, including the HST, GST and some BST too.

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