Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Harper vs. the Media

A Conservative government never experiences a honeymoon period like Liberal governments. It's a given that the media in this country have their knives sharpened, ready to pounce as soon as the election night has wound down. Like it or not, they wield power. They have the ability to persuade public opinion, dissuade majority trends and parade photo ops that can cut a politician at the knees. Surprisingly, the media for the most part in the last federal election, swayed to support Harper and crew and may have helped win them power, by their extensive coverage of the accumulative scandals and missteps of the Liberal party.

Actually, the media really didn't have a choice now did they? The Liberals basically handed them at least one faux pas story almost every day. Some of them had to be published. And the ones that were quietly slipped under the rug? Well, they were aired proudly on blogs from coast to coast.

So.............................now Stephen Harper has himself a Minority government. This gives him a short window of opportunity to make some major things happen. He's focused on his priorities. He has a strategy. He knows that he needs to produce some "deliverables" based on his election promises in order to be able to go into the next election and win a majority. One of the obstacles? He has more than one opposition.

He has the media to contend with..........the media who are predominantly biased against the so called "evil" Conservatives, who seem to believe that they have the same rights and privileges as an elected opposition. Add the the mix that the flailing Liberals who are flapping in the wind trying to regroup by holding such important functions as a dinner for Tequila Sheila (egads), and attempting to recruit a sordid conucorpia of characters representing all political stripes to run for the Leadership and therefore impotent as an opposition, the media feels more empowered to take the reins.

Like a good chess player.........like a good leader............Harper is setting the rules. He will decide when and where there will be a scrum, when and where there will be a photo op, and what will be discussed. But watch out! The media will twist and turn the knife............make the story seem like Canada is now being led by a control freak tyrant who lives in secrecy, and who is making evil plans to take us down the road to damnation.


Stick to your guns, Harper. Make them play by your rules. Teach them a lesson that good journalism is supposed to be an UNBIASED reporting of the facts, and not a psychological brainwash of baseless opinions.

A little bit of effective tough love..........................always leads to more respect.

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