Thursday, November 13, 2008

secrets and lies

Are the lies we tell ourselves hiding the secrets we can't bear to look upon? Or are secrets stuffed deeply merely lies wrapped in a different foil made of fear? Do we hang onto untruths because we fear that we will not find love and if we do we'll mess it up completely and lose it anyways?

We light candles in prayer and then promptly walk away from the glow. Why?

my thoughts this morning while soaking in a tub....


Mark said...

Powerful questions ...
We want what we want, however we do not believe in what we want or we don't believe we are worthy of receiving what we want so we make a half hearted attempt such as lighting a candle and then walking away from it's light. We fear so much.

kenju said...

My thoughts in the tub are so much more mundane than yours!

awareness said...

Mark....I have started reading the Alchemist and actually tried to write about it this morning but was constantly interupted by a demanding puppy who kept attacking me. What you've written here is very much what I was thinking, and I'm hoping to elaborate later tonight. We do fear so much....and I bet that most of it is tied to fear of rejection.

Judy....I usually have much more benign thoughts and in fact began the tub soak thinking about SpongeBob and how he's still my favourite cartoon character of this decade....Marge's sister Selma from the Simpsons crossed my mind too........

AND then.....POOF......I floated into some extraterrestial existential existance and began pondering. I blame aromatherapy gone awry.

ok, i'm lying.....or am i????

Anonymous said...

rejection yes - it gets complicated though when its your actions and choices that cause it -just can't live with the loss

thank you

needed these words - couldn't find my own, which for someone who is supposed to write is quite ironic

awareness said...

Paul....sometimes the words simply fall to the floor when they don't seem to fit. It certainly does get complicated because our actions are always tied in with our thoughts and feelings...of ourselves. I guess the key is to find a way to spin rejection on its ear and turn it into acceptance.

Nathaniel Brandon writes....."the first step toward change is awareness, and the second step is acceptance." These two steps....especially while understanding how our actions are fed by thoughts and feelings are the two necessary steps in finding one's wholeness again.

Our lighted candle...where we pray? We need to learn to stay there in prayer just a little longer than we are comfortable...because, well, someone who's sipping champagne right now would say..."growth does not reside in a place called comfortable...." You know what the light also does? It reveals the beautiful goodness in you.

the words will grow again and you'll be able to pluck them from those beautiful tree branches in the wildwood. I bet soon.....x