One little thought seed has the capacity to take root just by tapping into your own reservoir of Will. If you let it. Our will captures those free floating hopes and dreams and magically turns them into tangible goals. It is the courageous force behind action. This radiant energy propels us forward, possibly onto a new and somewhat unknown path, with confident vision.
Will............our gift from God, lets us
seek out purpose
clarify intent
energize dreams
let go of our burdens
feed our faith
hold our hand as we take aim
lighten our steps
SMILE from ear to ear..........
See it in your horizon..........feel it in your spirit...........let it lead you to your goal. Let your Will make it happen. Mold it with your own hands and heart.
hey Tara......message sent. It looks like the NEXT time around...bummer.
what a beautiful prayer this is. Thank you for sharing your words!
I love this (as usual)!!! Thanks for these words - incredibly insightful and encouraging (as usual again)!
True...., if you are not too tired! (lol)
Kidding, but somewhat serious....!
This is really quite wonderful my dear....! Sheer will can work miricles!
Just what i need at the moment thanks
It's so hard to hear the will... or understand the plan... but that's me and my trust stuff again.
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