Sunday, January 01, 2006

What will it take?

Often, it is an event that propels someone to grab hold of the lead reins; to take charge, to make decisions, to guide an aimless group. It is the leader who can galvanize a disordered emotional tangle of people into action. Is it just anyone that can step into the shoes of a true leader, or are there particular qualities and personality traits needed in someone to allow for others to follow?

It depends on the circumstances. It depends on the event. It depends on timing.

More importantly, it depends on passion, vision and moral integrity.

An effective leader has an agenda designed to produce results, but is guided by a core of values that are revealed, acted upon and observed by the group of followers. There has to be a level of believability and trustworthiness that allows for others to have confidence in him/her. These days, it is often difficult to ascertain if our leaders are serving themselves or us. It seems all too common to find leaders who are selfishly helping themselves to power and privilege, and if one looks below the surface of the rhetoric, one finds no substance. Deceit, greed, mismanagement of affairs are commonplace news stories. All too often, there is another front page item or editorial that highlights another disheartening example. It forces us to ask the questions, "Where have our leaders gone? Where are the true leaders?"

Maybe we should be pondering................Are we expecting too much? Have we set our standards and expectations too high?

I don't think so. I believe that the majority of people are simply looking for a decent, honourable person, who has the confidence and ability to communicate effectively, to show that they live what they believe in, who is honest, believable and empathic. We are not looking for a slick packaged android-like puppet who stands behind a microphone droning on and on about issues without the sound of their own gut inspired passion. We want someone who shows that they take ownership for their actions, and is candid about their own foibles.....someone who can cut through the B.S. and talk straight.

Is that too much to ask for?

Let's hope that it doesn't take a catastrophic event in this country for someone with substance to move to the forefront to lead.........unfortunately, personal instincts are pointing me towards that thought. Not a great thing to be pondering on the first day of the year.

I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing thing I know: The ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
— Albert Schweitzer

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