Sunday, January 08, 2006


Epiphanies. Almost everyone has them. Without them we would walk through life asleep and unaware. How amazing is it when all of a sudden, you are stopped in your tracks with a breath of realization that allows you to radiantly comprehend a piece of yourself that had been hidden from you?

Aha moments............powerful, spiritual, thought altering.

These are the blips in life that can literally take your breath away with new realization. Self-learning, overwhelmed moments of happiness, and sometimes fear..........fear that comes with the realization that perceptions have changed. .........happiness that comes with the realization that perceptions have all depends on the circumstances.

Epiphanies. Almost everyone has them......if you are open to receiving their lessons. They can define our humanity by allowing a new window to open to a bright opportunity or way of viewing an individual that may cross your path. They almost always arrive with a basket of emotions. They can appear with a sudden rush of tears, or a sense of welcoming hope.........or even a healthy dose of cynicism.

Learning, teachable moments...........often leaving a permanent mark that allows you to see something differently. I strive for them.........look for them like a bursting shooting star on a summer night. More often than not, they sneak up on you and catch you in an "unaware" moment. They bring a smile to your face because you are caught "not looking."

A divine firefly in the dark night..........vanishing before you have time to blink........revealing a new perspective.........a new awareness............a new storyline for your life.

Epiphanies........unexpected moments that stop you in your tracks..........they can happen anytime, anywhere............with anyone you meet.

Enjoy and embrace the moments of ephiphanous learning. Share them with others, and be a part of someone else's aha moments!

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