Friday, January 20, 2006

Some Thoughts on Integrity

What kind of person are you if you have lost your integrity? What is integrity? For some reason (could it be my continuing ruminations about this upcoming election?) the word jumped out at me today and since then I have been wrestling with the concept. Of course, the more I thought about it, the more questions came to mind. It appears that "integrity" is not as concretely defined as I had expected. Why? Because it really represents several values and characteristics all rolled into one word.

Truth, justice, honesty, sincerity, self-respect, honour, veracity, reliability, respect for others, authenticity, trustworthiness, solid convictions, faith, fairness, lawful.......goodness. It is the foundational core that guides a person to live with dignity and respect. It allows us to make choices in compliance with societal and moral values especially when we are tested and confronted with a personal or professional dilemma that clashes with these values.

It is the truth that lives within us.

It is the truth that we project out to the world. Integrity is a double sided mirror. One may be able to reflect a facade of sincerity and integrity out to the world, but if it isn't anchored in truth, one cannot deny or run away from the lie felt within. Sure, you may be able to deny it for a while, but if you are living a life guided by principles, the only way to regain personal integrity is to admit wrong doing, learn from it, forgive yourself and move on.

Self-knowledge and a clear understanding of the principles of moral behaviour are crucial in developing and maintaining personal integrity. You have to know yourself, understand your own personal conflicts and have the foundational values and belief to guide you when you find yourself in a situation where your integrity is tested. This grounds you, and allows for consistency and balance in your ultimate decision. It also allows you to be able to hold steadfastly true to your commitments, whether it is for something minor like meeting a work related deadline for a project, or more substantial like being a commited friend or partner. To act with integrity is to act in a way that accurately reflects your sense of who you are; to act from motives, interests and commitments that are most deeply your own.

My thoughts thus far........... I have a feeling that this is a concept I'll be tossing around in my head for a long time.

Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.
Theodore Roosevelt.

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